OREGONIAN MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2003 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 503-221-8000 E15 BEST LOCAL JOBS oregonlive.com BEST LOCAL AUTO oregonlive.com BEST LOCAL REAL ESTATE oregonlive.com Passenger Vans, 671 Minivans 95 DODGE Caravan, all power, grey, 226K, runs great, good value $1800, 503-999-2042 95 all DODGE options. Grand 100K Caravan LE, very 9000 $4100, 503-472-2280 96 CARAVAN SPORT has prebuy inspection, great cond. Red. Loaded. 1 owner, Sell $4950 low Blue Book.
503-968-6959 96. 121K, GRAND dual CARAVAN, 3L V6, drs, rear AC. PS, $4950 PDL, obo new 503-504-1295 trans, well maint'd 16 CARAVAN SE blue, 2nd slider, CD, 106k. runs great, clean. 360-546-5831 96 CARAVAN LE, 5-dr, all extra clean, low ml, 1st $3750 takes, 503-663-1599 96 CARAVAN, dark cherry, 94K miles, looks runs good, new $4,800.
503-492-1763 97 DODGE Caravan, 7 pass, AT, 3.3 V6, PW, PDL, tape, 2 slid doors, $4050. 17 CARAVAN LE, M4K, 2nd door, loaded, CD, tow pkg, immac, $5695 trade? 503-699-0737 97 GRAND Caravan LE, rear loaded, dual doors $8888 Gresham Toyota 97 DODGE Grand Caravan. Raised top, TV, custom. $7995. 503-292-0111 www.portlandpremier.com 98 GRAND Caravan, AT, PW, AC, POL, dual sliders, new tags.
$7050. 360-256-3633, 503-481-0565 1998 GRAND CARAVAN, V6, auto, air, 90K mi, dual sliding, super clean nice, new tires, $5800. 503-330-5488 98 DODGE Grand Caravan SE, AN Wheel Drive, 3.8L V6, AAT, PW, PDL, CC. 93K, new tires, great $5800. 503-628-4221 98 DODGE Caravan.
Well 50k, 3.0L V6, PS, Cass. Minor dings. $4400. 503-533-4758 98 GRAND Caravan Long, SE, 44K, AT, all power, AC. CC.
new tires, 503-961-5936 99 GRAND Caravan SE, loaded, purple, looks runs great, must see, 77K ml, $8450. 503-910-8028 99 DODGE 3500 Ram Wagon, 86K, 15 pass. Wht AC AT PS PW CD ex cond 541-754-0336 99 CARAVAN SE. 46,000 low miles. All options.
Quad seats. Mint. $8,995. 503-317-5413 DODGE Grand Caravan Sport SE, AC, all power, dual slider, green, 102K. $6700.
503-704-1771 00 DODGE Grand Caravan SE, 57K mi, dk grn, full pwr. keyless ent, exc cnd $9995. 360-921-8624 2000 Dodge Caravan Sport. 61K, quad seating, new fires, red. Sport pkg.
$8200. 503-201-2856 00 DODGE CARAVAN SE, 53,000 low miles, all options, extras! $8995. 503-317-7522 2000 GRAND Caravan SE. All options, quad seating, priv glass, tow pkg. $10,500.
503-625-8011 2000. DODGE RAM 3500, 15 pass. Tint, PW, POL, PS, PB, dual AC; remote ent, like new, 23K, $12,000. 503: 318-5294; 668-3292 2001 DODGE Caravan Sport. Loaded.
Auto side door. 360-335-1073 2001 CARAVAN SE, AT, AC, CD, tint wndws, tow pkg, 2 sliders, $9750. 503-357-0896 $1 Down $139 Per Month 2001 Caravan, 2nd slider, $8350, 5.9% APR, 72 months. Dir 7238 SE Foster Rd 503-445-6718 '01 GRAND Caravan Sport, 37K, dual AC, 2 bstr seats. $13,500.
503-924-1455 days 503-690-3693 $1 DOWN 01 GRAND CARAVAN Loaded, Super nice, ancing! 5.9% APR, sale $10,950, 72 months, total pymts $12.889 on approved credit Dick Hannah TOLL FREE 877.273.1117 Exp 9PM Today 02 GRAND Caravan 7 pass, rear AC, all pwr, great value. $17,950. Beav Chry 1.888.645.4929 2002 DODGE Caravan, $13,800. Gd cond, dk blue, pass, AC, rear air, PS, cruise, AM-FM stereo cass, dual front air bags, roof rack, priv glass, alarm, 30k. 503-255-3673 2002 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN, V6, 24,000 miles, loaded, $15,499.
503-356-4901 03 GRAND Caravan. 7 pass, rear AC, all power, lots more. $18,995. Beav Chry 1.888.645.4929 03. GRAND CARAVAN SE 2nd slider 7pass full power R.AC fact warr.
$14,995. Toll Free 877.200.4610, dir. Exp 9PM today Over 40 vans 03 DODGE Grand Caravan SE. AC, CD much more. Certified, mi warranty.
$17,995. Dick's Country Dodge 503-640-1050 15 ECLIPSE, Auto, roof, CD, loaded. Spoiler. 79K. Perfect in out.
$4,795. 503-252-2003 agt 84 FORD 8 psngr CLUB Wagon. tilt, CC, AC, cass, tow, LT tires, excint cond. $2,250. 360-274-8176 1988 FORD Club Wagon, 8-pass, XLT, 460, PDL, 360-609-2548 filt, good cond.
92 AEROSTAR 4x4, Eddie Bauer, ext, 7 pass, tint, new stereo CD char, all records, excint cond, $4250. 503-663-9660 Photos: www.oregonlivepics.com 92 AEROSTAR, AT, 4WD, 4.0L, straight, nice paint Inter, AC. '05 tags $2450 obo. 503-730-0189 93 FORD AEROSTAR VAN Ext. All power.
Tint. 503.329.8435 agt 93 FORD Aerostar, 4.0L, AT, 4WD, cust whis, cass, great family car, dependable, $2000 obo, 503-543-4890 93 AEROSTAR Eddie Bauer AWp, 7 pass, Ithr, all pwr, 118K, excl cond, $3750. 503-702-9530 94 WHITE FORD Aerostar XL, good cond. Just DEQ'd. PS, PB, AC, CC, PD, 4 extra snow tires.
$3,500 obo. 503-466-4760 95 WINDSTAR LX, loaded, Gorgeous $7750 chuckbenton.com 503-781-2607 1995 WINDSTAR LX, 7 psngr, dual air, TW, CC. CD, full power, excl cond $4,295. 503-516-9364 95 WINDSTAR GL. Lo mil All pwr, ABS, great family value! $7995.
Beav Chry 1.888.645.4929 95 WINDSTAR GL, 3.8L, 2nd owner, 7-psor, great cond, all options, $3850, 503-695-2500 1996 FORD Windstar GL, V6, power all, ABS, New engine more. $4,900. 503-292-6011 Ptind AEROSTAR, PS, PW, CC, drk grn, good cond, 4. new snow tires, $6300. 503-254-6517 2 WINDSTARS: 1995 mi, $3300: 1996 mi, $4300, both good cond.
Call 503-335-5829 96 WINDSTAR GL. Loaded. hurry on this one $4988 Gresham Chrye Jeep 503-665-7121 96 FORD 15-pass. Club Wagon XLT, all options, high mi, very nice, $5900. 503-658-8423 96 AEROSTAR Ext 7-pass, org ownr 4L V6, AT.
loaded 96K. Very cin. $4995. 503-690-2836 1997 FORD Conversion Van. 6cyl, 4.2L, capt chairs.
$11,995. 503-539-4520 Passenger Vans, 67,1 Passenger Vans, 671 Minivans Minivans 97 good FORD cond, Windstar, very safe, family 132K owned, mi, 1993 GRAND Voyager SE, 142K, Must sell. $4600, 503-772-5316 some loaded, wrk good $1800. Jill 503-777-6088 needs 98 looks FORD great, Windstar, 74k, cass, AT, $8,200. AC, 94 PLYMOUTH AWD Grand Voy503-295-6265 120K ager.
ml. Good $3600. cond. All 503-246-5134 records. 98 PDL, FORD Windstar CD, GL, PS, roofrack, PW, 94 GRAND Voyager SE, AWD, tow, 503-524-3210 loaded, 137K, $2995, clean, 503-674-7802 98 FORD Windstar, 7 pass, 96K, See at tow $5,300.
pkg, AC, 503-645-7055 White. Excl cond. 94 GRAND Voyager, 7 pass, AT, excellent AC. 98 WINDSTAR GL. 96K.
3.8 V6. well maint, $2995. 503-720-6402 $4,500. Newer fires. Darren 503-849-8868 great.
94 VOYAGER LE, V6, all 99 FORD Windstar, 55K, metallic maint, $1995. alloys, 360-263-6521 well blue, all power, 503-266-3178 10-CD, air, ABS, 95 GRAND Voyager SE. V6, 3.3L, 7999 FORD WINDSTAR, LOW AT, ABS, FWD, quads 84K, $4700. 503-293-2383 miles $7988. Exp very 10-13 affordable.
PLYMOUTH Grand Voyager SE, 3.3L, AC, CC, PW, PDI, rack, THOMaSON CD, 130K. $4900. 503-628-1554 97 GRAND Voyager Rallye, 3.3L, HONDA 80K mi, very clean, nonsmkr, owner, $7500, 503-794-2779 888-290-9531 97 VOYAGER V6. 2 sliding drs. 1999 FORD Club Wagon 15 Pass Auto.
Loaded. 60K. Immaculate. Power Stroke, V8. Call Now! Hard $5,795.
503-252-2003 agt 00 to find! WINDSTAR 503-777-4445 SEL. dir 97 tit, GRAND CC, PW, Voyager PDL. SE, 102K, 3.3L, AC. excelquads, CD, alloys. See! $13,995 lent cond, $5995.
503-516-9364 Beav Chry 1.888.645.4929 96 GRAND Voyager SE pass, 00 WINDSTAR LX, AT, AC. PW, dual slide drs roof rack, 68K, well PDL, dual sliding pass drs, 3rd maint'd $6500. 503-997-7258 seal, $9900 obo 503-358-0481 98 VOYAGER SE 3.0, AC, AT, PS, 00 WINDSTAR LX, loaded PB, PDL dual air bags tions, 100K extended warrty, sliding drs, 86k, owner maint, must sell, $12,800, 503-637-3983 503: 678-6455, 678-5743 00 FORD WINDSTAR. 98 GRAND Voyager, at, ac, all Full load. 4dr.
$10,995 Blowout! pwr. $8795 exp 10-14 1-877-696-4878, dir $1 Down $139 Per Month THOMason 2001 Ford Windstar, Sale $8350, PONTIAC GMC 5.9% APR, 72 months. Dir 7238 SE Foster Rd 503-445-6727 1-800-695-2184 01 FORD ECONOLINE E-350 98 PLYMOUTH Grand Voyager Super Duty XLT, Extended SE, 7 pass, quad seats, exci 15 passenger. Silver. 47K ml.
Excl cond, $7800. 503-579-7553 cond $16,500. with 503-819-6595 13x6' luggage rack. 99 GRAND Voyager SE V6. psngr, auto, air, 3.3L.
5 dr. 77K. 02 WINDSTARS. Certified 6 yr 75K Like new. $8,350.
503-582-8080 warranty, loaded, all the options. 99 GRAND Voyager, V6, 57K mi, $16,599. Dick's new tires, AT, clean, yr warr, MacKenzie Ford, 503-693-1133 like new 503-866-1507 96 GMC SILHOUETTE 7-pass 99 GRAND Voyager, 3L V6, AC, loaded, new fires. Like new! tinted wndws, roofrack, 54K, Trade OK. $5,995.
503-890-4100 runs great, $9999, 503-848-3684 1996 loaded. GMC SL Minivan. V6, AWD, 2000 GRAND VOYAGER Every option Nice! 29k, V6, $9600. 138k, $6400 obo. 503-705-1359 503-774-8319 99 fully GMC load, SAFARI sharp.
SLE. Rear $8975 97 PONTIAC Montana, 87K, Ithr, Murray 800-430-7255 CD, cond. tow pkg, auto 360-260-1084 door. Excl 00 Fully SAFARI loaded, SLE 57K, AWD $13,000, VAN SIENNAS 503-658-5796 We have a good selection 99 GRAND CARAVAN AWD, of certified Siennas all pwr, dual slider, TONKIN In stock TOYOTA now! Exp 10-16 503-408-4544 smkng, 69K. $9000.
503-349-3304 95 HONDA Odyssey, 115K, well- 1987 TOYOTA. Dark blue, $2500. AT, equipped, real nice cond, $7,150, CD. Tom Runs 503-233-1395 good strong. 360-253-4460 15 ODYSSEY, Clean, Non-Smoker 92 non-smkr.
ALL Trac Loaded, Previa rear air, owner all Dual AC, CD, Many Extras! 124K. $7495. 503-981-3878 records. 150K. $5200.
503-481-8426 96 ODESSEY EX, AT, AC, rear 92 drives PREVIA ALLquad seats, new timing belt, Runs $3999. good, new 503-771-5749 tires, all no $7,995. 503-645-8764 power, 99 HONDA ODYSSEY. Rear AC, calls before 10am mort. ABS, alloys.
93 PREVIA, air, 105k, ABS, pwr, roof auto, rack, 4wd, 99 $16,995. HONDA Beav Odyssey. Chry Well maint'd. snow tires, $5500. 503-293-0590 1.888.645.4929 dual cruise, Many extras, I owner, Like new.
95 PREVIA DX super chad, PW, low 70k mi. $15,500. 503-784-8191 mi, exc cond, AC, 99 ODYSSEY EX, leather, loaded, $7200. 750-0322 top of the line. $19 888 95 TOYOTA Previa loadGresham Toyota 1-888-696-2227 ed.
ABS, AWD, SC, leather, dual air, etc. $10,000. 503-957-3447 $14,975 96 PREVIA DX SC, 77K, excint 99 Honda Odyssey EX Minivan, cond, AT, AC. Rear air, quad seats, CD, full 503-663-1768 COURTESY FORD Exp 10-16 503-255-1771 97 PREVIA DX, Super Charged, AT. all power, low miles, 00 ODYSSEY EX MV.
rear air, cd $7950. 503-281-7204 much more! exp 98 SIENNA LE, AT, dual sideLandmark Ford 1-888-538-3414 doors, dual AC, CD, 73K, exc 2000 HONDA Odyssey LX, gray, cond. $11,200. 503-281-7204 sliding pwr doors, POL, chrs, PS, 82K, PW incl 98 SIENNA LE, AT, dual side drs, CD, 2nd row capts dual AC. cass, roof rk, 75K 4 studded snow fires Thule rack, $15,250.
503-655-3772 01 HONDA ODESSEY EX, 40K mi, V-Tec 3.5L. like new, white, tow pkg. $21,900. 360-903-2252. 01 CERTIFIED Honda Odyssey.
Mint condition. $21,999, Exp 10-17 Gresham Honda 2002. HONDA Odyssey, 30K mi, excl cond, silver, AT, leath, alloys, CD, $23,500, 503-781-0195 3 THRU 3 TROOPERS, 4 drs, air, PW, finan, $3675 Berg CarCo 503.671.9242 on Canyon 02 KIA SEDONA EX. Lihr, rear moonroof, quad seating, alloys, CD. $17,995.
Beav Chry 1.888.645.4929 93. MAZDA MPV, immaculate, 98K mi, great vehicie, Michelin tires, $3800, 503-475-4640 96 MAZDA MPV 4WD, Scyl, 4capt seats 3rd row bench, owner, great car. $5800. 503-650-8459 00 MAZDA MPV LX, 1 owner dr, V6, AT, FWD, rear AC, CD, 52K, teal, $11,875. 01 MAZDA VAN low mi, loaded.
We have 2. $15,995 Herzog-Meier 2002 MAZDA MPV LX, midnight blue metallic, exc cond, 200 HP, warranty, PS, AM-FM CD, cloth, privacy, glass, 29,000 mi, $18,500. 503-523-4231 94 VILLAGER LS, AT, full power, air. VERY NICE $1995. 503-652-1620 Affordable Auto 98 VILLAGER GS.
Dual AC, quads, tow, alloys. $6995. Terms. Exp TONKIN NISSAN 888-770-0101 MERCURY VILLAGER GS V-6, AT, pass, AC, all power, quad seating, cass, roof rack, privacy glass. Trades wanted.
(Many affordable vehicles in stock. $6888. Exp 10-16-03. 888-844-8938 DLR 2001 VILLAGER 7Pass $11,950 R-air CD loaded low mi. Broadway Toyota 503-284-1105 88 LS MITSUBISHI.
New tires fuel pump. Good body, starts, needs $1,500. 503-492-2295 94 NISSAN QUEST, high miles, good cond, AC, CD, runs good, 503-430-1889 94 QUEST, 7 pass, 115K, fully loaded, tow pkg. good condition, 503-253-0446 94 QUEST V6, 125K, tow pkg, AC, CD, ABS, body engine great cond. $4600 obo.
503-434-6168 98 NISSAN Quest GXE, black, Ithr, moonrt, alloy whis, 6-CD chngr, orig owner, 75K. ext Nissan warr to 100K. $10,560. 503-297-2209 99 QUEST GLE, Ithr, video sys, loaded, top of line $12,888 Gresham Toyota 97 OLDS SILHOUETTE, 94K, orig owner, good 360-256-2376 cond, must see, only $3900. 90 GRAND Voyager LE, 3.3L, AT, PW, PDL, low miles, new trans, excellent, $2650.
503-888-0474 91 VOYAGER LE, 3.3 V6, AT, PW, PDL tow luggage rack. $1,299. 503-615-0751 91 PLYMOUTH Voyager LE, Power Everything. Runs great. 503-888-9152 92 PLYMOUTH Voyager, AT.
Non-smkr, Low mileage, only 85K. DEQ'd. $2375. 503-640-5390 92 GRAND Voyager, 3.3L, clean, loaded, Ithr, new trans DEQ 503: 262-6958; 957-1959 93 GRAND Voyager SE. AT, 3.3L, AC, CC, PDL, PW, dark green, excint cond $2450.
503-621-3656 93 PLYMOUTH Grand Voyager SE, quad seats, roof rack, AC, CC. 1 owner, all svc recs, 89K mi, $3950. Beaverton 503-690-0227 BEAVERTON CHRYSLER VAN HEADQUARTERS Over 60 Used Vans In Stock! Starting At $5999 '95 Windstar 98 Loaded, DODGE low miles. GR. CARAVAN $8995 01 Fully loaded.
DODGE Great CARAVAN value. SE $11,995 99 Second PLYM sliding VOYAGER. CD, 7 pass. $8995 All pwr, low miles. Hard to find.
99 HONDA ODYSSEY. $14,995 00 Lthr, quad FORD seating, WINDSTAR full load. SEL $12,995 98 Lthr, rear CHEVY ABS, ASTRO alloys. AWD CB0515A $8999 Low 02 miles, CHRYSLER great value, VOYAGER, $12,995 9K 03 miles, DODGE V6, pwr seat, CD, CARAVAN all pwr. SE $16,995 03 Rear DODGE CD, ABS, CARAVAN all pwr.
SE 1 $16,995 All pwr, rear CD, ABS. 03 DODGE CARAVAN SE $16,995 LARGEST VAN DEALER in PORTLAND. 1-888-645-4929 Subject to prior sale. OR $50 reg process fee extra. Exp Sun.
10760 SW Canyon Rd Sport Utilities, 673 Wagons (4x4 4x2 s) NORTHWEST'S Certified Acura Dealer Best Prices Huge Selection of pre-owned MDXs available! 100,000 mile warranty! RON TONKIN ACURA 2000 BMW X5. 4.4L, Forest very nice. $33,975. exp 9pm today DICK HANNAH CANYON RD Toll Free 1-877-229-3203 2000 BMW X5, 4.4, leather, moonroof, black on black, low miles, exc cond. Only $37,444.
Exp 10-16. 888.866.7988 ACURA OF PORTLAND 2002 X5 3.00. thr, prem, cold wthr, -climate, sport pkgs, 5spd, $39k. 503-693-1151 00 ESCALADE, Pearl white, prem wheels, tow, CA, CD $22,995 Exp TONKIN NISSAN 888-770-0101 2000 CADILLAC ESCALADE. rows of seats! chrome wheels, DVD vid RON TONKIN ACURA 00 CADILLAC ESCALADE 4x4 Loaded, leather, changer, tow pkg.
Low miles. Only $26,900 BRALEY GRAHAM 91st Canyon Rd 503-292-8801 2002 CADILLAC, Escalade EXT, AWD, every option, white pearl, 17K miles, $41,900. 360-694-2646 CAR Fax Super Sale 503.571.9242 95 Blazer 4x4 LT, Ithr $4975 95 Blazer LT 4x4 4 dr, nice $5975 LT 4x4 4 dr, nice Sale 96 Blazer 4x4 LS. AT, AC, PW Berg Car Co 107th Canyon Rd 78 CHEVY Suburban 4x4, good 350, fresh turbo 400, runs great $2500 obo. 503-674-8855 79 4x4 CHEVY Suburban 350, new AT, new custom paint with rock guard.
$3000. 503-241-2929 83 CHEV Blazer K5 4x4, 305 eng, PW, PDL, CC, great ofr 503-649-5803 87 CHEV $10 Blazer 4x4 New battery tags. Must sell. $1,050. 503-846-0434 1988 CHEVY S-10 Blazer 4x4, 4.3 V6, auto, good, good tags, $1050 OBO.
503-665-8779. 89 SUBURBAN 1500, 2000 engine, 4x4, all well maintained, 503-244-3641 1989 CHEV S10 Tahoe, all options, low miles, Immaculate cond thruout 503-618-1810 1989 SUBURBAN Silverado, newer eng, brks, starter trans. Runs great $2900; 503-691-7938 90 SUBURBAN 4x4, ton, 154K, new engine, PS, PW, CD, rear AC, $4800. clean, 503: runs 631-8117, looks 869-7924 great, 00 1990 SUBURBAN Silverado 1500 mi Ith 4x4, loaded, immaculate, never off road. $6250; 503-492-5889 00 91 CHEVY S10 BLAZER, 2 dr, V6, AT, 4x4, CD.
Runs looks good. $1895 obo. 503-659-2447. 92 CHEVY S-10 Blazer 4x4, AT. lo mi, extra clean, 2000 1st $2950 takes.
503-663-1599 It 92 BLAZER $10 Tahoe 4X4, 4.3 eng, 150K, 4dr, loaded, AT, rack, alloys $2795. 360-694-2492 93 CHEV Suburban 1500 LT 00 4x4, red, $9500. 503-638-3838 '93 S10 4x4 BLAZER Tahoe, V0, 4.3, tow pkg, rack, AT, all pwr CD, AC. exci. $4,450.
503-282-6178 93 SUBURBAN 4x4, V6, 8 $8475 pass, air, cargo doors, waerr or BergCarCo 503.671.9242 on Canyon 01 93 CHEV BLAZER S10, 4.3L V6, rebuilt eng, clean, must sell, moving. 503-239-1940 1994 CHEVY Suburban 1500 4wd, 01 AT, all pwr, ithr, tow, new price $7450, 503-830-7238 94 BLAZER S-10 Tahoe. Loaded. 01 4WD, 122,000 mi. 503-666-9184 after 6pm 94 CHEVY S10 BLAZER LT 01 pkg, Tahoe, 4x4.
AT, $3500. PB, PW, 503-655-7187 AC. tow 94 CHEV Suburban 1500 4x4 V8, 01 5L, loaded, 3rd seat, roof rk, run brds, tow pkg, alloy whis, stereo, $4900. 503-422-9111 95 CHEV Suburban 1500, LS, white, fully loaded, gray 3rd 01 seat, 4x4, excint cond, alloys, very clean, tow pkg, well maintained, $9700. 503-656-9301 95 CHEV Suburban 4x4 LT, 97k, 01 leather seats, $9,750.
503-223-6535 95 TAHOE 4x4, 91K mi, hwy travel. 12.000lb Warn winch bumper, new toolbox, 4 extra tires, floorliner, exint cond. $9500. 503-625-2326 95 BLAZER S10 4wd must sell 112K, thr, PW, PDL, AC. obo.
541-760-6140, 503-636-8234 95 SUBURBAN LT. Ithr, 3rd seat, 118k, $7995. 503-799-4450, agt 95 SUBURBAN 4WD, VI, PW, PB, PS, AC, CC, Lthr, tow pkg, 104K miles. 503-635-1470 95 SUBURBAN 1500 SL.E 4x4, dual exh, hitch, 3rd seat, rear air, CD sharp. 503-656-4322 95 SUBURBAN 2500 LT, 4x4, big big block, 3 seats, Fr air, 94k, exc $12,500.
503-723-8216 95 CHEV Blazer LT 4dr this is it fully loaded, leather, super nice, hurry, only $5995 503-640-6500 View at www.hillsborojeep.com 95 CHEVY Blazer LS. 4WD, 4door, AC, CC, PS. PW, POL, clean, good cond $4995. 503-307-4141 96 BLAZER, 4WD, V6, 4.3L, high output, AT, tow miles 76K, $8500. 503-674-8497 Ask for 96 BLAZER S-10 4x4, 120k, loaded, excellent, original owner, $6295.
360-608-9994 PRICE REDUCED! 96 Chevy Blazer, 4WD, 4 dr, 4.2 V6, auto, AC, Ithr, alloys, tow, 116K hwy mi. Very good cond. Only $7500. 360-944-7573 96 CHEVY BLAZER LS 4dr 4x4 cond, full pwr, AC owner. 503-649-9758 96 CHEVY Blazer LS 4X4, 4dr, V6 AT, AC, PS, PW.
tilt, CC, cass, Iks runs art $5995. 503.690.0289 97 CHEVY $10 Blazer, 4x4, 4 dr, LT, loaded, good cond, clean. 360-833-8095 97 SUBURBAN SLT. 4WD. Loaded, leather, drk green.
110k miles. $13,000. 503-617-4558 97 CHEVY Blazer, AT, V6, loaded perfect cond 94K mi. $10,500. 503-998-3969 97 SUBURBAN 1500 LT, 4x4, 76K mi, $14,300.
360-260-1857 97 CHEVY S10 Blazer LS, loaded, one owner, excellent condition, 360-431-3135 97 TAHOE LT, only 50K mi, fully loaded, dark grn tan Ithr, exci cond. $15,200. 360-256-4734 97 SUBURBAN 1500 LT 2WD. 5.7, at, load, Ith, rr tow, prem whls. $14,888.
exp 10.15 Town Country Chev 97 CHEV BLAZER S10 full load, low miles. $8695. Call! 1-877-696-4878, dir 97 CHEVY Tahoe 4WD loaded CD, runningbds, smoked in, $13,950. 503-422-3537 bkr 97 TAHOE LT. 4WD, loaded, dark green tan Ithr int, alarm, 9000 cond, $9,950.
503-282-9827 97 SUBURBAN 1500 LS, 1 owner, 4WD, 3rd seat, rear AC, all pwr, CD, tow pkg, alloys, new tires, wires, pumps, green, excl cond, $15,500. 360-518-3573 98 SUBURBAN LT 4x4. White Great cond, $13,900. 503-641-3289 or 503-312-0998 98 SUBURBAN LT 4x4 Loaded, green. Must sell.
$16,000, 503-422-3613 98 BLAZER LT 4x4, owner, Ithr, mnrt, CD, new 121K hwy, $6600. 503-788-3350 98 BLAZER, 4dr, 4x4, loaded, V6, wife's vehicle, 73K, seat 503-667-0661, 503-803-0229 98 TAHOE LT 4 Dr. 4x4, 56K, 1 owner, Blue Ithr. Fully loaded, $16,300. 503-296-0422 98 BLAZER LT.
47K, 4x4, AT, AC. mnri, green, bik Ithr, 2nd owner, greaf carl $11,300. 503-638-2050 90 CHEVY Tahoe. Forest Green 4x4, CD, Air, Cruise, Power everything. Excellent condition.
$9000. 503-752-2495 98 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4x4 V8 load Ithr cd prem whis tires. Wow. $14,888. Exp 10-15 Town Country Chev $66.278.3333 98 BLAZER 2d 4x4 V6 at loaded Bose cd abs tow lo mi pwr mort more.
$10,888. exp 10,15 Town Country Chev 98 TAHOE, loaded, lo mi. clean. $14,995. Exp RON TONKIN USED 888-937-5953 98 CHEV Suburban 4X4.
Fully equipt. $14,888. exp 10-17 Gresham Honda 99 TAHOE LS 4x4, loaded, excl cond, alarm, tow, extended warranty pkg, $15,999, 503-642-2707 BLAZER LT. 49k mi, loaded, Ithr, extras, extended warr, all syc recs. Exit cond.
owner. $16,300 obo. 503-655-4363 99 SUBURBAN 2WD, Ithr, CD, can roof rack, all pwr, new 503-668-8629 tires, tow, 57K. 99 TAHOE LT, pewter, Ithr, priv gis, full pwr, hid seats, ext warr, very nice. $16,900.
503-590-7666 99 SUBURBAN 2500 454 LS. AC, 4x4, boards, prem wheels $17,995. Exp TONKIN NISSAN 888-770-0101 99 BLAZER LT, 64K, loaded, new 4X4 tow tires, pkg, 4x4, great CD, all pwr, condition, roofrack, $10,900. 7sts, 503-498-4724, 503-722-4414 99 BLAZER 4x4 Black, AT, AC. CC, PS, PW, PDL, cass.
Excil 503-615-8482 1999 CHEVY Tracker 4x4 Hard Top, 4dr. luggage rack, low low miles. 360-423-1618 Sport Utilities, 673 Wagons (4x4 4x2 s) 99 SUBURBAN LT 1500. 4x4. AT, fully loaded, rear air, 3rd seat.
DVD video $14,840. 503-544-7737 BLAZER LS. Exc 47K, 4WD pwr rack, hitch, tires. $13,500. 343-8320 BLAZER 2dr Sport.
Loaded exp cheap $11,688 10-15-03 TONKIN HONDA 99 CHEVY Suburban 1500, loaded, leather perfect, cond, blue, 503-349-0752 99 TAHOE 771 LT. 4x4 at 5.7 load Ith cass cd or tow alloys, to mi $17,588 10.15 Town Country Chev 866.278.3333 1999 verado, CHEVY 271, 1500 4X4, Xcab. AT, 3rd door, looks like new. Ford 99 SUBURBAN LT 1500 4x4 pewter v8 load Ith cass cd prem whis tow more. $18,888.
exp 10.15. Town Country Chev 99 SUBURBAN Ton LT loaded, Ithr, lo lo mi $18,995 obo 1-877-696-4878, dir 99 BLAZER S10 4dr 4x4 Loaded, 6 A $1 DOWN on, sale, Financing! Super nice, miles, 5.9% APR, sale $12,995. 72 months, total pymts $15,409 on approved credit Dick Hannah J. TOLL Exp FREE 877.273.1117 9PM 99 CHEV TAHOE, 59K, LT, 4X4, loaded $19,777 exp 10-17 Gresham Honda 99 CHEVY Suburban LT, white 4x4 350, wheels, 79K, excellent. Moving, $15,950.
503-925-0591 00 CHEVY SUBURBAN LS, 4x4 Roofrack, run bros, pvcy glass 56K, $20,000. 503-816-3442 WANTED '00 Tahoe or Yukon, loaded with low miles. 503-543-2493 2000 TAHOE, 42K, Ithr, 6 pass. Gray int excl cond, $22,500. 503-629-2112 00 CHEV TRACKER 4x4, 4dr, AT, black int, CD.
owner, 74K mi, $6250. 503-257-8661. 2000 BLAZER 4x4. Auto, loaded. $10,888.
Exp 10-13 THOMaSON HONDA 888-290-9531 TAHOE Z71 LT 4x4 at 5,7 load rr cass cd tow alloys lo $19,888 exp 10.15. Town Country Chev TAHOE Z71 4x4, V8, AC, Auto, tow pkg, brush guard, red thr, cass, CD, 48K mi. Exint cond. $20,500. 503: 203-1984, 643-9898 work SUBURBAN 2500LT.
V8 3,73, pewter, 45K, snrf, tow pkg, Positrak, air, htd seats, Ithr inter, loaded srvce records $24,900. 503-644-1208. CHEV SUBURBAN LS 4X4. Must see. $22,888.
ExP 10-17 Gresham Honda 1-888-865-6111 2000 BLAZER LT 60,000 mi, stereo, gold metalfic, alloy wheels, fully loaded, 4x4, $14,800 best offer. 503-843-7769 TAHOE LT, 4x4, Ithr, mnrt, Onstar, 3rd st, tow, 12 CD, rear AC, pwir, 29K, hands free phone, warrty, $28,500. 503-434-6889 CHEVY TAHOE, Ithr, loaded, Gray, 37K mi, tow. Excint cond! $25,500. 503: 885-2070, 970-2239 BLACK Chevy Tahoe, fully loaded, 32K ml, excellent cond, $28,455.
503-245-0888 SUBURBAN LT 4WD. $23,900, 28K ml. Fully loaded. Autoride, T-pk9, snrf. 503-356-8081 SUBURBAN 1500, 4x4, LT, completely loaded, pwr mnrf, mnabds, new tires, leather, Oncass CD, rear AC, excep.
fional cond. $26,800. 503-793-6602 CHEVY Blazer LS, V6, 4.3L. 41K mi, white, 2WD, 5sp, 2dr, gd cond, clean, 1 owner, priced to sell: only $8400, 503-201-1208 TAHOE 4dr LT. Leather, rear air, cd, alloys, miles.
Only Exp 10-16. ACURA OF PORTLAND 01 BLAZER LS 4x4. AT, AC, pwr opts, mnrf. $12,988. 503-661-1200 dir 2001 CHEV TAHOE LT 4WD, leather, dual AC.
moonroof, Onstar, 3rd seat much more. Only 38K miles, $28,495. Ford 888.862.3350 01 SUBURBAN SLT V-8, AT, thr, cd, more. $24,990 Northwest Jeep www.nwieep.com 10600 SW Canyon 01 SUBURBAN LS 4wd 27K pewter CD, Ithr, r-air, bros, 3rd seat, Tow pkg. $26,500.
503-997-5768 2002 SUBURBAN 271 4x4. Loaded, Ithr, mnrf, P-seats, Onstar, tow rear AC. 34K. Perfect! $29,500. 503-816-1001 02 SUBURBAN 4x4, tow package, loaded, LS, 21K mi, excl cond.
$28,800. 503-348-9402 02 TAHOE LS 4WD, dark grey grey cloth, 28K, very good shape, $25,000. 503-722-2233 02 TAHOE LT, white, sunri, 3rd seat, new tires, 24K mi, loaded, hid seats $29,250. 541-382-3890. 02 SUBURBAN LT 4x4, ithr, mnri, tow pkg, loaded, pewter met, 22k mi, $31,000.
503-690-4222 02 TAHOE LS, tan cloth, 18,600 mi, loaded, maroon, Like New 503-515-6578 02 TRAILBLAZER LTZ This has everything. $24,798 Herzog-Meier 566-461-2222 2002 TRAILBLAZER LTZ, Ithr, snrf, straight 6, blue, 6 disc CD, tow pkg, $23,800. 503-324-3801 03 TAHOE LT, 4x4, V8, auto, 2k, Onstar, Carepoint, charcoal, gray Ithr. $34,995. 503-543-3925 03 SUBURBAN 4x4 1500, pewter, Bose, mnrf, Ithr, climate control, running brds.
Loaded. Perfect. 15K ml, $32.500. 503-519-9532 03 CHEVY BLAZER 4X4 Auto, air, tow pkg, AM FM CD, alloys, only 9K miles! Only $21,900. BRALEY GRAHAM 91st Canyon Rd 503-292-8801 03 SUBURBAN 4x4, Rear pwr, 3rd seat, loaded.
$30,995. 503-661-1200 dir 03 BLAZER 4x4 LS. AT, AC, PWT opts, Ithr. $18,888. 503-661-1200 dir 03 CHEV TAHOE 4x4.
Rear AC, 3rd seat, pwr options, loaded. $29,988. 503-661-1200 dir 03 BLAZER LS 4x4 v6 at loaded pry alloy lo mi -599 -623 3 $17,888 exp 10.15 Town Country Chev 03 TRAILBLAZER 4x4 LS, AT, AC, pwr opts, Ilke new $24,988 503-661-1200 DLR 2003 CHEVY BLAZER LS. 12k Miles, Tow Loaded. NOW ONLY $19,995.
866-717-2511 dir 03 ZR-2 CHEV 4-DOOR Tracker 4x4, 1,600 mi, loaded, AC. AT, CD, offroad pkg, PW, PDL, power mirrors, remote entry, $15,890, 503-890-2318 99 SUBURBAN 1500 LS. 4WD, excint cond, tow pkg, new tires brks, 86K. $16,250. 503-297-7621 91 COLT Vista, 4x4, 4 cyl, 5-spd, 30 MPG, well maintained, very dependable.
$1,700. 360-326-4186 98. DODGE Durango SLT 4WD, ithr, 3-seat, rear air, new tires, low mi, $11,950. 503-422-3537 99 DURANGO. SLT, third seat, fully loaded, $17,895.
Beav' Chry 1.388.645.4929 1999 Dodge Durango Loaded, Must sell! $11,900, wel- Low down, low payments, trade come past bankruptcy OK dir 7238 SE Foster Rd 503-445-6709 1999 DODGE DURANGO. Loaded, to mi. Why lust envy $12,888. Exp 10-13 A HONDA 888-290-9531 DURANGO SLT, 4x4, 5.9 V8, auto, all equip, leather, tow, alloys, CD. Very clean.
$13,995. Trades wanted. Rey Reece VW 503-256-3700 99 DURANGO SLT leather 5.9 seat. $13,995. exp.
RON TONKIN USED 888-937-5953 2000 DURANGO, $18,995. Pampered, only 36K Immac all the extras. 503-381-4632 00 DURANGO SLT, 5.9L V0, loaded, Ithr, 3rd seat, rear 51K, black. $13,495. 503-816-7706 00 DODGE Durango loaded, 30K miles.
like hurry only $16,997. 503-640-6500 View at 01 DURANGO 4dr Loaded, a mond, Giant SUV sale, EZ ancing! $12,995 Dick Hannah SUBARO TOLL FREE 877.273.1117 Exp 9PM Today 2003 DODGE Durango Sport, V8, AT, flame red, 6K, TW, PS, rear window defrost wipers, AC, CC. PDL, cass-CD. PB. PM, tilt, $19,900, 503-250-0909 Sport Utilities, 673 Wagons (4x4 4x2 s) 03 DODGE Durango V8.
AT, 4WD, AC, PS, PW, POL, CD player, $17,900 503-255-9533 03 DODGE DURANGO SLT. 4x4. Leather, loaded. Certified. mi warranty.
$24,995. Dick's Country Dodge 503-640-1050 2003 DODGE Durango 4X4. Factowarranty, low miles, save thousands. Buy Bob 1-866-471-3333 EXPLORER SALE 96 4 dr, Ithr, ownr Sale Sport 4x4, AT, loaded $7975 Trades Financing 503-471-9242 Berg Car Co 107th Canyon Rd 71 FORD BRONCO 4x4, AT, disc brks-frnt, lift, Rancho susp, pc forgis tilt frat end. Too much to list, $4500.
503-313-0492 71 BRONCO uncut quarters, new motor, top exhaust. $5500 obo. 503-659-6935 76 BRONCO, 30K on new 302 eng, dark grn, spd. Must drive. Josh 79 FORD BRONCO, good cond, 172K low miles, straight body, rebuilt 400, runs good, tags.
503-281-2473 80 BRONCO, full size, low miles, winch, dependable, with extras, $3900. 503-647-0454 1984. FORD Bronco, go cond, straight body. newer tires rims, asking 503-659-9172 84 FORD Bronco, runs, rebit eng, new exh carb, good shape, $1600, 503-357-2096 1985 BRONCO V6, 4x4, AT, air cond, looks runs great. $1800.
Call 503-284-6320 1987 FORD BRONCO XLT, full size, 86K mi, exc cond. offer. 360-891-1455 87 BRONCO XLT, 351 rebit eng, new tires, fully loaded, great condition, $2095. 360-798-4359 87 BRONCO. recent rebuild.
Many new parts. $2200 or trade for Grd 503-259-9275 1988 FORD Bronco 11, dark blue, 5sp, runs good, $1500 OBO. 503-515-2395 88 BRONCO I 4x4 V6 5sp, amim cass, 152K, PW PDL CC, newer fires, recent tune, very gd cond 503-830-3261 msg 1980 FORD Bronco 4x4 Lariat, 351 AT, runs great, looks exc. $1400 or best offer. 503-998-3518 FORD 1989 Bronco 11, 4x4, 6cvi, very clean! 20K mi on rebit eng, (140K mi,) $1800.
360-574-5068 B9 BRONCO 11, 6cyl, 5spd, 4WD, PS, tilt, CC, off road fires studs, $3500. 503-460-0315 91 FORD EXPLORER Ed. Bauer. 128K, good cond, Ithr, runs excint 503-272-3994 91 FORD EXPLORER XLT. AT.
CD, all pwr options, 97K. $3295. 503-526-8514 FORD 1991 Bronco XLT, V8, 4x4, AC, PS, White, very clean. $2800, 91 EXPLORER XLT, 4 dr, 4WD, black, red int, excint cond. 503-640-3854 91 EXPLORER 4 dr 4x4, V6, LOOKS RUNS nice! $1495 503-771-6034 Affordable Auto 91 EXPLORER XLT 4x4, extra clean, low mi, every pwr option.
1st $2,750 takes. 503-663-1599 91 FORD EXPLORER XTL. 123k, CC. PS. POL, gd cond $2,500.
503-646-8594 92 FORD Explorer XLT, all opts, exc cond, 5spd, low miles, new tires, clean $3650. 360-274-8178 92 EXPLORER Eddie Bauer XLT, 4x4, PW, PDL. PM, runs $3450. 93 EXPLORER limited, leather, V6, 4x4. Perfect.
124K, $4750; 503-680-7874 93 EXPLORER, white, gd cond, dr, AT, 160K, snow fires, 503-245-7805 1993 BLACK Ford Bronco, 159K, Ithr int, 4x4, PS, PDL, PW, runs great 503-267-5122 93 EXPLORER CD, XLT, dark green, Lthr, AC, 4WD, great cond, 153K mi, $4,000. 503-638-3605 93 EXPLORER SPORT, 4x4, new AT, AC. CD, PW, POL; tint, 113K mi, $3100. 503-702-8927 93 FORD Explorer Eddy 5SP, straight, sharp! Needs nothing! 171K $3700. 503-653-1390 93 BRONCO XLT, 351, alloys, leather, all power options, $3950.
Call 503-496-0535 94 EXPLORER XLT, good condition, original owner. 503-348-9257 94 EXPLORER XLT 4x4 Tow. Serviced, records. Nice in out. $4,100.
503-691-1482 94 FORD Explorer Sport 2dr 140K, power everything, tow pkg, 5spd, teal blue, exci cond, $3795. 503-992-1451 94 EXPLORER XLT $2750 just serviced, DEQ'd. Very nice. great. 503-760-8507 EXPLORER XLT, 4x4, leathfull tow pkg, EXTRAS, 119K, 360-696-9469 1994 FORD Bronco XLT, 5.8L, 4x4, Silver, AT, PW, POL, alarm, cass, clean, newer tires, 111K mi, $5,999, 503-407-7973 $5975 94 Ford Bronco V8 4x4 in incredibie condition, loaded priced sell! Exp 10-16 COURTESY FORD 503-255-1771 94.
FORD BRONCO XLT 351, white, grey leather, non-smkr, AC, PS, good cond, Alpine deck. 503-350-2801 94 FORD BRONCO 4x4 V-8, chrome wheels, clean. $5995. 503-292-0111 www.portlandpremier.com 1995 FORD Explorer Eddie Bauer, loaded the extras In great shape, 106k, $8000. 503-235-0924 95 EXPLORER Limited Ed.
103K. New fires, rotors brakes. $5,695. 360-903-5272, 360-573-4508 95 BRONCO XLT 4x4, 5.8L, AT, AC, all pwr, leather, 107K, $5995. 503-209-8811, 503-998-9670 1995 EXPLORER Sport 4x4, fully loaded cher, 4L, Spd.
99K. 1 Owner. Vehicle drives $4,250. 503-653-0000 503-516-3380 96 FORD Explorer XLT, 71K, 4x4, loaded, alloys, runs obo. 503-577-5356 96 EXPLORER XLT, Ithr, mnrf, alarm, new fires, run bros, Red, 81K, $6950.
503-329-5322 96 EXPLORER, Eddie Bauer clean, fully loaded, tow. AWD, 54k, 503-650-8617 96 EXPLORER XLT 4WD. PW. PDL. CC, air, 79k, V6, exint.
503-640-5274 AT, 4dr, loaded, Ithr, running 96 EXPLORER XLT, 4x4, boards, mint, 120K, keyless entry, 503-504-5142 96 FORD EXPLORER XLT cond, 69K miles. 541-400-0085 96 FORD BRONCO XLT, AT, pwr, CC, 98K, tow prem whis, $7500. cond, 503-574-4936, 6 EXPLORER XLT, Excl cond, 73K, 2WD, seats 6, 6CD-chr, V6. $8400 503-516-4063 1997 FORD Explorer Eddie Bauer, Red, 98K. V8, AWD.
Loaded. 503-957-6600 97 EXPLORER XLT 4.0L, 4x4, SOHC, loaded, 6 disc CD, V6, excl cond. $6495. 503-502-4237 97 EXPEDITION XLT, low mi, seat, rear AC, bik, rang 5-disc CD, leather. Must Only $10,900 obo.
503-515-2839 97 EXPLORER XLT, excl shape, owner, asking $7499. 503-761-8964; 503-805-6425 97 FORD Explorer XLT, 1 owner, 91K, 6-CD, rear AT, ABS 4whl, new fires, alloys, bkr excl cond. $8300. current 503-804-9132 maint, power, 97 EXPEDITION, Eddie Bauer, black, 95K ml, serviced locally. 503-997-6986 97 EXPLORER Ltd 4x4 V6, AT, ABS, AC, power pkg.
ithr, mnri, $8800. 503-259-2322 97 EXPLORER XLT 4X4. 4.0 AT, load, good ml. Murray 800-430-7255 97 FORD Expedition 4WD, 91K, exc, all pwr, 3rd seat, 6-CD, AC, extras $10,447. 503-892-2700 97 FORD Explorer, 71K mi, Ithr sts, CD gd tires.
503-317-1562 98 FORD Explorer Eddie rblt '99, 25K, tan Ithr, V8, runs great, $10,500. 503-274-0183 58k. 98 OPTS, EXPLORER Ithr, snrf, XLT tow, blue, ski, AT, strt, studs, chnor, fogs, all Perfect $11,000. 503-320-9201 3rd 98 all Options. EXPLORER LT, Leather, 5.0L, 88K 10.16 Great cond.
$8400. 503-642-5000 98 EXPEDITION Eddie int, Loaded. 49k, 1 owner, 503-961-2002 exit 4wd 90 35K, fully EXPLORER loaded, XLT, very 4.0 nice V6, AC, 503-516-5807 98 FORD EXPLORER XLT Fully V6, AT, 88K, exc cond, new, must sell. $9250. 503-212-2029 98 EXPEDITION XLT, 4x4, rear PW, POL, ONLY $13,900, Fin- 1998 FORD loaded.
Arrive EXPLORER in Auto, $9988. Exp 10-13 THOMaSON HONDA 888-290-9531 98 EXPEDITION Eddle Bauer, fully loaded, ithr, 1 owner, 125K, $10,500 must sell. 971-570-2473 98 EXPEDITION XLT 4x4, loaded, 5.4L, rear 3rd seat, color matched Packasport, tow pkg, 6-cd, $13,685. 503-329-2767 Sport Utilities, 673 Wagons (4x4 4x2 s) 98 FORD EXPLORER Eddie 02 Bauer. two tone, none nicer, all power, rear air, leather, custom wheels, running boards.
Dir $9888. 1-866-662-2784 02 exp 10-15-03 3L 1998 FORD Expedition 4x4. V8, auto, ready $12,988. for Exp anything. 02 10-13 THOMaSON 02 HONDA 888-290-9531 98 EXPLORER XLT 4x4, white, AT, AC, sunrt, 96K mi, new tires, $9700.
503-639-3623 98 FORD Explorer XLT, V8, gray, 88K mi, excellent cond, loaded, 2003 reduced to $10,500. 360-833-8229 98 FORD Explorer XLT, S.OL, AWD, AT, AC. CD, tow pkg, new tires, 79K, $10,950. 503-353-9917 98 EXPEDITION XLT 8 pass CLEAN $16,995 ofr to mi! 1-877-696-4878, dir $8975 98 Ford Explorer A Door 4x4 beauty that's fully, loaded Immaculate. Exp 10-16 COURTESY FORD 503-255-1771 $11,975 03 98 Ford Expedition 4x4.
3rd row seat, V8 XLT, rear air condifloning, loaded. Exp 10-16 COURTESY FORD 503-255-1771 98 EXPEDITION Eddie Bauer, 204 cstm whis, new tires, many xtrs, 76K, $17,500. 360-909-1797 98 FORD Expedition 4X4. Loaded, 78K. Gresham $15,888.
Honda Exp 1-888-865-6111 10-17 03 98 EXPEDITION E. Bauer, fully loaded, 5.4L, 6-CD, blue Ithr, 72K. $15,900. 971-212-2475 98 EXPEDITION, 5.4L, 3rd excl, BOK, $17,400. 503-655-8059 seat, rear Ithr, all pwr, 1998 FORD Explorer.
AWD, AT, V8, CD, tape player, full pwr, 53k. Very nice cond. Must see. $13,500. 503-925-0904; 503-625-6679 99 EXPLORER 4x4 XLT, alloys, ABS.
The SUV you want! $13,998. Beav Chry 1.888.645.4929 99 FORD Exped Eddie Bauer 5.4L; Excl. CD char, new 66K mi. 503-638-8848 99 EXPLORER LTD AWD White Pearl. Immaculate.
Transferrable Warranty. LOADED. V8, 71K hwy, new brakes Tow Pkg. Must see. $12,900.
Call 503-702-2564. 99 Expedition Eddie B. 5.8L, AWD, AT, Ithr, tow, prem sound, disc chngr, $16,950 obo. 503-539-0379 99 EXPEDITION Eddie Bauer. 5.4 V8, Black, Ithr, 3rd st, all Pwr, tow, reds, $18,240, 503-310-3090 99 Expedition XLT.
Black, loaded; 39K many extras. must see $19,500. 503-659-1257 99 EXPLORER Sport, 54K mi, CD, allpower, great cond, 5-spd, lots more, $9500, 503-430-7366 99 EDDIE Bauer Ford Expedition 4WD, metalc red, 52K, very good shape, $17,750. 503-722-2233 99 EXPEDITION XLT, 5.4L, 4WD, rear AC, tow, green, CD, 60K mi, gri shape. $16,200.
503-780-7770 99 EXPLORER, 4x4, green, AC, cass, roof rack, 56K mi, AT. $11,000 obo. 503-936-8425 99 EXPEDITION XLT, at, ac, all pwr. $16,998 exp 10-14 PONTIAC GMC 1-800-695-2184 99 EXPLORER 2dr 4x4 4.0L SOHC, loaded, mint cond, 57K 4 mi, $9995. 503-968-1089.
99 EXPEDITION Eddle Bauer, Immac, loaded, AWD, htd seats, 3rd 6-CD, detl'd. $16,500 obo 503.636.8602 EXPEDITION XLT, white, 4.6L, 4x2, 91K, flip down TV, Ithr, 503-742-2460 FORD Expedition XLT 5.4L, 33,100 mi, 4WD, ABS, rngbrds, 3rd seat, rear AC. CD changer. $16,500. Wayne 503-538-1953 79 FORD EXPEDITION 5.4, 4WD, rear AC, CD stacker, 3rd seat, Ford serviced inspected.
We have a selection to shop from. $13.495. Ford 808.842.3350 99 FORD EXPLORER. Ed. Bauer 73K, $14,500.
503-936-1594 $8888. Exp 10-17 99 FORD Explorer. 40K, 5sp. Gresham Honda 1-888-845-6111 4x4, 99 EXPLORER Eddie Bauer 4x4, 28K, loaded, mint, must see, 360-263-7688 00 EXPLORER Lid, clean, blue tan Ithr, V8, AWD, mnrf, sideAB CD, 35.5K, 503-598-8233 2000 FORD Excursion Ltd Ed. All extras.
Excl cond. 75K. 509-427-7546. View: www.oregonlivepics.com PB, 2000 45K ml. FORD Like new.
Explorer Loaded. V6, auto. Must sell. $16,000 OBO. 360-687-7580 2000 EXPLORER 4x4, all options, CD, privacy glass, alloys, more, mint! 503-317-7522 to 00 EXPLORER XLS, Orig owner, 38K mi, 4x4, AT, air, tow package.
$12,900. 503-518-3172 2000 FORD Expedition. Eddie Bauer, emerald green, thr, rear CD AC, tow pkg, cust whis, 6CD chgr, air-ride SUSP, snrf. just defalled, 57K mi, Call for more info. 360-518-1547 $1 Down $159 Per Month 2000 Explorer 4x4, Loaded Must Sell $9550, 5.9%, 72 mths.
dir 7238 SE Foster Rd 503-445-6726 2000 FORD Excursion Limited 4x4. Ultimate luxury, $21,488. Exp 10-13 HONDA 888-290-9531 2000 FORD Explorer Eddie Bauer, only 32k mi, moonroof, lots more. $16,995. exp 10-16 RON TONKIN ACURA 888.418.4444 2000 FORD Expedition XLT, loaded, low mi, custom leather, $18K wholesale book.
503-533-8875 $1 DOWN 1 00. EXPEDITION 4x4 Loaded, a diamond, huge 4x4 Sale, EZ 5.9% APR, sale $20,995, 72 months, total pymts $23,689 on approved credit. Dick Hannah BARD TOLL FREE 877.273.1117 Exp 9PM Today 00 EXPLORER 4dr 4x4 3rd seat. A diamond, low down, low pymts, EZ low Financing! Dick Hannah SUBARU TOLL FREE 877.273.1117 Exp 9PM Today 00 FORD EXPLORER EB. Low miles, roof, leather, changer, loaded.
boards, owner, Exp TONKIN CERTIFIED 888.396.4477 $13,975 00 Explorer 4. Dr. 4X4. Super low miles, loaded. exp 10-16 COURTESY FORD 503-255-1771 $19,488 2000 Expedition XLT, fully loaded, must see.
Stk Thrifty Auto Center 503-255-5500 2001 FORD Explorer. Black. Loaded. With leather. Less than 32K! $15,995.
Dan 503-625-7818 2001 Expedition XLT 4x4 MUST SELL! $15,900, Low down, low payments, trade welcome past bankruptcy OK dir 7238 SE Foster Rd 503-445-6711 2001 Ford Escape 4x4 Must Only $11,900, Low down, low payments, frades welcome, OK past bnkrpty OK dir 7238 SE Foster Rd 503-445-6756 01 ESCAPE 4x4 4dr, at, ac, all pwr. $14,966 exp 10-14 Mason PONTIAC GMC 1-800-695-2184 01 EXPEDITION XLT, black, Ithr, CD chngr, run bds, loaded gorgeous, $23,000. 541-926-8125 01 EXPLORER XLT 4WD, AT. PW, PDL. Ithr CD, alloys, 27K ml, $13,900 obo.
503-522-2396 2001 EXPEDITION Eddie Bauer. 33K. Lt green, Loaded, Warranty, mort, Ithr. $24,995. 503-775-9979 01 FORD Explorer Sport Trac 4x4, leath, all options, 45K, ext warr, $18,000 OBO, 503-680-8883 02 FORD Escape 4x4 XLT.
All tow pkg, low miles $19,995, Beav Chry 1.888.645.4929 2002 Explorer 4x4 XLT Loaded! $15,900, Low down, low payments, trade welcome, OK past bankruptcy OK dir 7238 SE Foster Rd 503-445-6741 2002 FORD Expedition XLT Excl cond! 4x4, 5.4L, tow, Ithr, 6-CD, loaded, 18K mi Ford warr. Must sell. 541-757-8521 2002 ESCAPE. V6, auto, AC, XLT, mags. Bargaln.
$16,995. Exp 10-16 TONKIN TOYOTA 503-408-4544 Sport Utilities, 673 Wagons (4x4 4x2 s) EXPLORER XLT 4WD. AT, 4.0. 00 Great options inc 3rd seat, only 13K miles. Hurry.
$21,995 Ford 888.862.3350 FORD Escape 4x4 mint cond. 00 V6, AT. AC, tow pwr pkgs CD, mnri $15,500. 503-255-6489 Ltd 2002 AWD, V6, MR. leather, loaded, wenty, to mi, $21,500 503-694-5054 EXPLORERS.
Certified. 75K warranty. Take your pick. 02 $19,995. Dick's MacKenzie Ford, 503-693-1133 2003 FORD ESCAPE XLT.
02 Loaded. Divorce forces sale. $17,800. 503-318-8355 FORD Excursion Lid. 03 Ithr, diesel, 18K, perfect cond.
$38,000. 541-490-2208 See: 2003 EXPLORER XLT, VI 4 Dr 4WD, loaded, 3rd seat, PW, PDL, pwr seats, ABS priv glass, lugg rack, alloy. Red like 02 new. Now only $22,950. Olinger Travel Homes, 230th TV HwY, Hillsboro.
Toll-Free 866-289-6275 2003 FORD EXPEDITION XLT. Lthr, PS, rear air, 4X4, 6K mi new. $31,475. exp 9pm today DICK HANNAH CANYON RD Toll Free 1-877-229-3203 ESCAPE Canary yellow loaded, $16,995. priced Exp to sell! 10-15 19K.
97 TONKIN HONDA 1 -888-236-0845 2003 FORD EXPLORER XLT. 4WD, AT, 3rd seat, little use. thousands under new! Call Ford 888.862.3350 EXPEDITION 4x4, Loaded, TV's, Ithr, all pwr opts, low-mi $32,995 503-661-1200 DLR 03 EXPLORER XLT 4x4. Rear AC, Ithr, all power, loaded. $26,988 503-661-1200 88 2003 FORD Expedition XLT 4X4's with low miles! Special purchase of Both are fully loaded 88 Rear AC, Tow Package, Privacy Glass, Full power interior, factory warranty much morel Your Choice $26,9881 Financing avail Gary-Worth LINC MERC 91 19360 McLoughlin Blvd Gladstone, OR 503-656-1926 2002 EXPLORER XLT.
Loaded, new cond. Low ml, must sell. $20,500. 541-280-1924 Bend 91 GEO TRACKER, 2-dr HT, 113K mi, 5-spd, 4WD, DEQ'd, excint cond, xtras, $2000, 503-771-8309 88 GMC Suburban 1500 SC 4x4, 350, V8, AT, AC, PW, PDL, CC, running bras. 503-453-7196 1989 GMC JIMMY full size 4x4, AT, new fctry 350 ml, tow pkg, trans cooler, new radiator, PDL, PW, AC.
Rancho shocks, extra mag whis, 157k orig mi. Asking Tony. days 503-939-1797; eves 503-632-3207 92 GMC SUBURBAN 4x4, Dbl doors, AT, air, CC. tilt, alloys 109K $5900. 503-635-5997 1992 GMC JIMMY, 146K mi, green, runs good, $2900.
503-997-8691 94 GMC SUBURBAN 4x4 LS. Third seat, rear ac, loaded, CD. $11,995. CC0164a Beav Chry 1.888.645.4929 94 GMC YUKON 4x4 Sport, Black, VB. Tow, Loaded! Exc cond.
118k. $9000. Jay 503-329-3825 95 GMC JIMMY SLT 4x4, Black 4DR, Ithr, CD, loaded, studded tires, 83k. $6995. 503-312-7428 95 TAHOE LS 4x4, 1thr, loaded, all opts, 105K, excl.
$8995. 503-628-6315 95 SUBURBAN SLE, 4x4, excint, custom chrome, 503-324-1802 1995. GMC Suburban SLE 1500 4WD, garaged, non-smkr, 85K. $10,500. 503: 869-2754, 869-2755 95 JIMMY LS, leather, air.
IMMACULATE! $4995 503-771-6034 Affordabie Auto 96 GMC Suburban SLT, 454, leather, all the extras, 100k, exc cond, $12,500. 503-658-7121 96 GMC JIMMY Leather, full load! Clean! $6995 Blowout! 1-877-696-4878, dir 97 GMC JIMMY White SLT leather, tow pkg, very nice cond, all maint owner, 92K. $8750. 503-706-5754 97 YUKON SLT. Leather, super nice.
$12,995. Exp 10-15 TONKIN HONDA' 1-888-236-0845 97 GMC JIMMY SLT 4x4. Leather, loaded, sharp! $7975 Murray 800-430-7255 97 GMC JIMMY, excint, all opts. You see it, you'll buy it. $10,500.
Evenings 503-694-6171 98 YUKON, red, ext warr, cstm whis, 61K, new xint cond, $16,000 obo. 503-695-3463 '98 GMC SUBURBAN SLT 4x4, loaded, new tires, 1 owner, 112k, 503-655-9574 99 GMC YUKON SLT, 4x4, 60K, Black Leather, Dual Pwr Seats. Chrome wheels. Loaded. pets.
Exc cond $17,900. 503-806-0069 99 GMC YUKON DENALI, black int, fully, loaded, super clean, $18,850. 360-903-7988 1999 YUKON. V8, 4x4, SLT, none nicer $14,988 exp 10-13 THOMaSON HONDA ing, huge 4x4 sale! Dick Hannah 888-290-9531 99 YUKON 4X4 SLE, fully loaded, sharp! $15,500 Murray 800-430-7255 99 GMC YUKON SLT 4x4, loaded, owner, great cond, 77K mi. 503-675-0252 00 YUKON DENALI 4x4.
Loaded. Pwr options, thr. $23,988. 503-661-1200 dir 00 GMC YUKON Denali, 69K. Blue.
$20,950. 503-358-8535 dir 2000 GMC YUKON DENALI 4x4. Loaded, leather, wheels. $24,995. 503-292-0111 www.portlandpremier.com 01 GMC JIMMY 4X4 SIT.
4.3 AT loaded prem whis. $14,850 Murray 800-430-7255 01 YUKON XL. 37k, pewter, exint cond, loaded, tow pkg, 3rd seat, nonsmkr, $28,850. 503-650-5188 2002 YUKON Denali. 9,300 mi, white Ithr, all options, garaged, perfect! 503-889-2112, 503-283-6463 02 YUKON SLT, orig owner, pewOnStar, CD, hid Ithr, no 3rd seat, meticulously maintained, Mobil every 5K, superb condition, $28,700.
360-891-7798 02 YUKON XL Loaded, all the toys, only 12K miles. EZ Financ- TOLL FREE 877.273.1117 Exp 9PM Today 2002 YUKON XL Denali, loaded, white with gray leather. $36,000. 503-698-8333 2003 YUKON XL DENALI old, $43,000. 503-653-5830 white, 3300 mi's, 3 mo's 2003 GMC YUKON.
Like new, warranty. Save $30,995. exp 9pm today DICK HANNAH CANYON Toll Free 1-877-229-3203 03 GMC YUKON DENALI XL 4x4. Loaded, leather, tow, prem wheels. Only 10K miles! GM Certified.
Only $40,900. BRALEY GRAHAM GMC 91st Canyon Rd 503-292-8801 1995 LEXUS You already know these cars are loaded. Very pristine example! $14,995. Ford 95 HONDA PASSPORT LX Excint Cond. Power everthing.
$6495, 503-209-5623 95 HONDA Passport, runs excl, great on ice. 120K, minor body damage. $6000. 360-903-6448 95 HONDA PASSPORT 5-Spd, 75K mi, red, excint cond. Must see! $4995.
503-793-4500 95 HONDA PASSPORT. Full load, winter is here! $5995 1-877-696-4878, dir '98 HONDA CRV, AT, ABS, CD, new tires, 89K, exci cond, $8950. Call 503-380-3901. 98 PASSPORT 4x4 V6 Loaded roof Leather $10,995. Toll Free 877.200.4610, dir.
Exp 9PM today Over 50 SUVs 98 PASSPORT EX Auto, 4x4, all equip, m-roof, alloys, very clean. $9995. Trades wanted. Rey Reece VW 503-256-3700 98 CRV-LX, excint cond, red, new tires, 4WD, roof rack, 1 owner, 72K miles. $9,500.
503-639-0131 18 CRV LX 4x4 4 dr, 5 spd, air, PW, CD, CC. finan, warr. $8975 BergCarCo 503.671.9242 on Canyon 1999 HONDA CRV EX AWD. Excl cond. Red, all power, auto.
61K New tires. $11,500. 503-756-6102 99 HONDA C-RV LX, red, 4x4, AT, AC, PW, PDL, CC, excellent cond, 67K. $10,900. 503-805-3473 00 CR-V LX, loaded, has it all.
Call now for details. $15,888 Gresham Toyota 1-888-496-2227 00 PASSPORT. Auto, V-6, White, immaculate. Must see. $16,995.
Exp TONKIN HONDA 1-888-236-0845 Reliable 4X4 2001 Honda CR-V EX. Full power options, automatic, anfi-lock brakes, lots more. Sharp inside and out. Now $14,995. RUSS SATURN-BEAVERTON 866-226-7755 russauto.com Sport Utilities, 673 Wagons (4x4 4x2 s) HONDA CR-V SE.
Auto, alloys, 1999 leather. low miles. Wow! $15,490. Exp low TONKIN CERTIFIED 888.396.4477 CR-V 4x4. Loaded, wheels, $12,988.
503.292.0111 www.portlandpremier.com CR-V EX AWD. Auto, mroof, alloys, low miles! Save! Exp 10-16 HONDA CR-V4X4. AT, AC, CD 2001 TONKIN TOYOTA 503-408-4544 lots more! $17,990 CD Northwest Jeep www.nwieep.com SW Canyon 1-888-203-5287 98 HONDA CR-V EX, TOP of the silver, thr, fully loaded, $18,000. 503-262-9069 98 PILOT EXL, DVD, tow, black, all $35,000. 503-762-0132 www.oregonlivepics.com 98 HONDA Pilot EX.
Lthr, 4X4, DVD, all the right stuff. tires, $31,999. Buy Bob 1-866-471-3333 2000 HYUNDAI Santa FE LX, mi warr! Must 22k, $19,995. 503-554-9810 HYUNDAI Santa Fe, 40K miles, CD, AC, cargo cover, $16,000. Fab car.
503-534-9133 HYUNDAI SANTA FE, leathmoonroof, roof rack, alloys, 2001 traction control. Only $20,944, Exp 10-16. 888.866.7988 ACURA OF PORTLAND INFINITI QX4 4x4. AT, AC, Ithr, mnrf, all pwr $10,988. 503-661-1200, DLR INFINITI QX4 4x4.
AT, AC, Ithr, moonroof, all pwr. $17,988. 503-661-1200, DLR 93 INTERNATIONAL Scout 11, runs good, 4x4, 4 speed, $1600. 503-720-4251 93 INTERNATIONAL Scout Traveller. Good cond, runs great 503-757-8885 TROOPER 4-cyl, 4WD, well cared for, 360-992-8708, 503-348-0310 ISUZU Trooper 4x4, 4dr, 95 Great condition.
166K miles. 503-784-4881 RODEO. 4 dr, 5 spd, V6, 96. EXCLNT, $1195 503-771-6034 Affordable Auto TROOPER SE V6, 5spd, 98 owner, alloys, ski rack, reliable, excl, 503-655-0146 91 ISUZU RODEO 2WD V6 5spd, AC, 9000 condition. Runs 99 great $2400.
503-234-2724 1992 ISUZU Rodeo XS, 100K miles. Tinted windows, Roof Rack, Trailer hitch. Nice clean with no problems. Ryan Phelps at 971-219-8740 92 ISUZU TROOPER LS 4x4 owner, low miles, very good cond. $3750 obo.
503-774-7139 93 ISUZU TROOPER brown, very good condition, low miles. $4500 obo. 503-775-3072 SUZU Trooper 4x4, 5spd, Grn, PW, PDL, cass, CD, newer fires, gd fags, 503-359-0229 1993 ISUZU Rodeo V6, 4x4, AT, PW, alarm, CD, nice wheels, only 88k, $4500. 503-998-1679 ISUZU Trooper, $5995. Clean, runs great, 5 spd, 4x4, AC.
CD, power everything. 503-409-0613. ISUZU RODEO, looks runs great, Call Nick 503-708-3883 95.5. ISUZU Rodeo LS 4WD, AT, white, excel cond, loaded, 79K mi, $6890. 503-358-2896 ISUZU Rodeo 95, CD, all pwr, blue, 4wd, 61k mi, alarm, 5 spd, excint cond $8,900.
Leave your number at 503-945-1512 ISUZU Rodeo, 4WD, new tires, CD, tinted wndws. $5000. 503-888-3577 96 RODEO, 4WD, 51K, 5 power pkg, adult owned, excellent cond, $6995. 503-936-9533 1997 TROOPER LS. Excellent cond.
1 Owner. Must sell. $9,499 obo. Brian 503-949-3657 98 ISUZU RODEO. 5spd, 57K, excint cond $8600.
503-590-0960 1999 ISUZU Rodeo LS 4WD Silver, 5-spd, 45K mi, power moonroof, 6-disc CD. $11,900. 503-366-5350 99 sunroof, TROOPER, 51K AT, fully equipped, mi, new fires, excl cond $11,900, 503-638-7209 ISUZU Trooper. BEST SUV for $10,999. 55K.
New Tred, CD, tint wndws, hitch, Xtras 503-449-2771 01 ISUZU TROOPER, only 19K. 4x4. Excl cond. 6-CD, AT. Beige, 360-513-7161 2001 ISUZU Rodeo LS 1 owner.
Lo mi. Excit. 5 Yr Warr. All $15,900. 503-761-2104 01 ISUZU RODEO 4x4.
Auto, CD, loaded, low miles. Exp TONKIN CERTIFIED $88.396.4477 02 RODEO Sport 4x4, dual moon roofs, all pwr, alloys. $16,995. Beav Chry 1.888.645.4929 02 AXIOM, V6, AT, 4WD, AC, power, 20K mi, fact'y warrty '05, $17,200, 503-358-5041 Way Below Ridiculous 2002 Isuzu Rodeo LS, $5595 below suggested retail. 15,000 $2255 miles, Kelly Wholesale.
new tires, very nice, no damage. Clearance blowout $15,495. RUSS SATURN-BEAVERTON 866-226-7755 FOR MORE GREAT BUYS! See Classification 748 "Jeep" In Today's Classified Section 95 JEEP Wrangler, a must see! Accessorized to the max, off road beast! $9450. 503-810-6917 95 JEEP CHEROKEE, auto, AC, 95K miles, off. 360-798-6627, 360-885-4478 VW JETTA, V6, 5spd, must sell, $9975.
503-358-8535 dir 95 KIA Sportage, ONLY 56K mil AT, AC. PW, roof rack, bra, CD, 503-775-6032 97 KIA Sportage EX, white, AT, 4WD, 49K mi, PW, PDL, CD, tow pkg, tint, chrm whis, new fires, $6000. 503-625-5440, Sherwood 98 KIA SPORTAGE EX 4x4 AC, CD, auto, 66K miles. $5,000 503-252-9384 00 KIA SPORTAGE, AT, AC, CD, pwr pkg, 39K, obo. 360-335-8242, 360-253-7322 2000 KIA Sportage 4x4.
AT, has it all, under 20k mi. $8988. Exp 10-13 THOMaSON HONDA 888-290-9531 00 KIA SPORTAGE Loaded, 4WD, 4DR, excellent cond. 56995. Exp Ron Tonkin Mazda 888-807-5687 2001 KIA SPORTAGE $7,300.
Kia beige, 18K miles. 4x4 PW, PL. CD, 5 speed. 503-492-4554 02 EX 4x4 all pwr, alloys gas syng SUV must see! Beav Chry 1.888.645.4929 2001 KIA SPORTAGE 4x4, low miles, clean history, ready for winter, $7395 503-829-8048 1999 RANGE ROVER. 5.0, exc.
cond. $20,495. exp 9pm today DICK HANNAH CANYON RD Toll Free 1-877-229-3203 2003 FREELANDER. AT, CD, mnrf, like new. $19,975.
exp 9pm today DICK HANNAH CANYON Toll Free 1-877-229-3203 00 DISCOVERY. Black, snrf. 31K mi, exc cond, won't last. $19,975. exp 9pm today DICK HANNAH CANYON RD Toll Free 1-877-229-3203 96 LEXUS LX450, all pwr options, gold pkg, 70K mi.
Perfect! 503-353-1797. 99 LEXUS RX300, 27K mi, champagne, perfectly maintained, sets tires. $24,500. 503-280-8984 99 RX300. Silver leather, All opts.
Sunroof, 6 CD changer, $19,900. 65k miles. 503-704-1771 99 RX 300, like new, leather, loaded. Call now. $23,888 Gresham Toyota 1999 LEXUS LX470, 57K miles, gold int, very clean car, $29,999.
503-969-7222 2000 LEXUS RX300 $17,950. 503-740-9086 Agent 01 LEXUS RX300, 25K mi, orig warrty, owner, AT, leather, tinted wndws, roof rack, sunr, perfect. $30,500 obo. 503-371-3889 01 LEXUS RX300. leather, 35K mi, mnri, CD chngr, exc cond.
$27,900. 503-266-4100 2001 LEXUS RX300, loaded, premium snd, 541-896-3001 18K, wrnty til $28,500. 02 RX. 300 leather, loaded, prem sys, tow 541-514-9654 2003 LEXUS LX470 4x4. Nav, wheels, leather, loaded.
$54,995. 503-292-0111 99 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR, fully loaded, 45K, remote start, CD chnor, DVD PS? syst, 3rd seat, $25,000. 360-891-6510 99 LINCOLN Navigator 4X4. This Is the one, fully loaded, like new, mi, hurry only $23,995. 503-640-6500 View at www.hiltsborojeep.com 2000 LINC NAVIGATOR 4WD Fully loaded.
Mint cond. Extnd warr. $23,900. 503-648-7939 2001 LINCOLN Navigator, 28K, options, remote start, perfect. $30,500.
503-804-8560 98 ML320 LOW miles, one owner, fully loaded. $17,750. Ask Melinda 503-647-5192 98. ML 320, tthr, 110K mi, 6-CD Bose, all opts, $14,500 days 503-252-5933 Patrick Sport Utilities, 673 Wagons (4x4 4x2's) MERCEDES ML 430 4x4 new tires, full ext wrnty, mi. $24,000.
503-510-5536 MERCEDES BENZ ML55 5.5L V-8 4x4. AT, AC, all cass, CD, traction conleather, dual power seats, roof, roof rack, privacy more opts. (many Highline in stock) $38,888. 10-16-03. 888-844-8938 DLR ML320, BLACK sunri, chgr, studless tires, 41K $26,000.
503-888-5276 MOUNTAINEER 4x4 thr moon all the toys! Beav Chry 1.888.645.4929 MOUNTAINEER, V8, tow pkg, pwr, snrf, 67K, great cond, 503-638-6040 MOUNTAINEER VI, AWD, mnrt CD chnar, new xint 70k $11,500 503.349.0400 MERCURY Mountaineer 4x4 less than 31,000 miles! Leather, CD much more! Price Financing available. Gary-Worth LINC MERC 19360 McLoughlin Blvd Gladstone, OR 503-656-1926 MERCURY MOUNTAINAT, 5.0, cass CD, ABS power. Looks drives like Only $13,995 Ford 888.862.3350 MONTERO LXS. CD, alloys. $8995.
Exp NISSAN 888-770-0101 MONTERO 4x4, Ithr, AT, AC, PW, PDL, new timing bit pump $4100 obo. 503-452-2991 MITSUBISHI Montero SR 4x4, leather, loaded, CD, nice! $2995. 503-674-7802 www.oregonlivepics.com MITSUBISHI Montero SR. condition. Many extras.
$6500. 541-563-5957 MONTERO local 1 owner -very Only $6495 Herzog-Meier 1-866-461-2222 MITSUBUSHI Montero 4x4, all pwr, murf. 7. psgr, 105K, rec, $7700obo. 360-607-7759 MITSUBISHI Montero 4X4.
Pristine, 55K. $15,888. 10-17 Gresham Honda 1-888-865-6111 MITSUBISHI MONTERO SPORT Limited. V6, auto, 4x4, air, all power, cruise, caspremium sound, ABS, leather, moon roof, running boards, tow pkg, alloys. WINTER'S HERE.
$13,988. 1-866-662-2784 exp 10-15-03 MITSUBISHI MONTERO SPORT. V6, auto, 4x4, AC, power, cruise, CD player, privaglass, running poards, $12,988. 1-866-662-2784 exp 10-15-03 MITSUBISHI Montero Sport, 4WD, loaded, 42K, gold, $11,300, 503-698-3901 MITSUBISHI MONTERO. White V6 AT 4x4 AC all pwr rack, tint, tow pkg.
Great Selection. $15,988 1-866-662-2784 exp 10-15-03 MONTERO Ltd. Lthr, mnrfs, CD, alloys. $24,998. Beav Chry 1.888.645.4929 MONTERO Spt 4x4 fully loaded mi ready for skiing fun $19,495 Beav $18,975 Chry 1.888.645.4929 A Montero XLS Sport.
4x4 4 door that's just new. Exp 10-16-03. COURTESY FORD 503-255-1771 OUTLANDER 4x4 loaded lo hottest SUV out there! $18,995 Beav Chry 1.888.645.4929 MITSUBISHI MONTERO SPORT. V6, auto, 4x4, cruise, CD player, ABS, roof rack, privacy glass, running boards. $19,888.
1-866-662-2784 exp 10-15-03 MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER XLS. Auto, A.W.D., AC, power, cruise, CD player, rack, two tone, alloys. Like $16,888. 1-866-662-2784 exp 10-15-03 MONTERO XLS 4x4 Full Luxury Group Fact. Warr.
Savings! Toll Free 200.4610, dir. Exp 9PM today Over 50 Used Mits MITSUBISH.I Outlander Like new. $13,995 obo 1-877-696-4878, dir MONTERO Lmt load! Like new! 9K mi $25,995 1-877-696-4878, dir MONTERO Sot 4x4. Wheels, auto, factory warr. 503-292-0111 www.portlandpremier.com OUTLANDER 4x4 XLS.
ed. $15,995. 503-292-0111 www.portlandpremier.com 2001 MERCEDES ML320, on dark gray, loaded, immaculate, $26,500. 360-609-0167 MERCEDES ML320, 33K, fact warr, 3rd st, 6-CD, snow tires, loaded, all like new! $27,000 503-314-0707 TRIBUTE 4WD 28,000 mi ed. Only $13,995 Herzog-Meier 1-866-461-2222 2000 XTERRA 4WD, AT, V6, rack, AC, CD, dark arn, only mi, mint, $17,600.
503-970-1484 Pathfinder Car Fax 2 dr, low mi, non-smkr EX 4dr, bik V6. 4dr, 5sp, Ithr, loaded SE 4 Dr, auto, 107th Canyon Rd 87 NISSAN Pathfinder 4x4. $2700 obo. Loaded. Excint 503-706-2438 PATHFINDER 4x4, dark 195.5K, 5 spd, security, cond, runs grt.
Original non smkr, $2300. 503-524-0562 PATHFINDER, 4x4, Black, AT, AC, all pwr, 240K mi. great. $1,800. 503-289-9123 PATHFINDER XE, V6, AT, AC, all pWT opts, ex low mi, 1st $3500 503-663-1599 PATHFINDER, SE, V6, owner, auto, loaded, everything but ithr, CD, 146K hwy, runs 503-232-7380 PATHFINDER SE.
61K, cond! Loaded with Leather. $9150. 503-658-6475 PATHFINDER SE V6 4x4 Auto. Excellent condition, sell. $4900.
503-233-9594 PATHFINDER XE V6, bike rack, ski rack, chains, cheerios, loves the outdoors, 148K, $4850. 503-892-8221 NISSAN PATHFINDER, 109K, PW. PDL, grit extras, $5,000. 503-522-0269 PATHFINDER XE Sport 160k, 4x4, great cond, AC, PW, PDL, TW, CC. ABS tow pkg $5500 503-656-2852 Pics: www.oregonlivepics.com PATHFINDER LE, Ithr, fully.
loaded, 1 lady owner, maint, $6950. 971-506-5678 PATHFINDER SE V6, new snrf, 5 spd, AC, rack, tow, loaded. 503-649-3354 PATHFINDER 4x4, AT, AC, PS, PW, PDL, tilt, CD, running boards, roof great cond $5,160. 503-810-5238 PATHFINDER SE, Ithr, moonrf, very sharp $6888 Gresham Toyota 95 PATHFINDER SE, Ithr, moonroof, new. $7888 Gresham Toyota 95 PATHFINDER, 5spd, CD, tow pko, very cond, $5350.
503-579-0818 97 PATHFINDER SE V6, red, AT, CD, all power, exc 102k, $9300. 503-645-0313 1997 NISSAN PATHFINDER. affordable SUV. Exp 10-13 THOMaSON dual -p Only like mi CD AC, all roof New. all two power Huge 877.
XLS. Full Load- silver AWD, VCR, ops, load- tow 21K bee at. Sale Sale $3475 $9975 $10,975 cond. blue, good owner, V6, Runs 4x4, clean, 2nd perf, mint options. 134K must 4x4, no 1 4dr, PS, disc, AC, shape, murt.
well tires 119K, 4 dr, CC, rack, loaded, loaded, AC, good 4wd, cond, Very $8988. 2001 NISSAN Xterra SE, excellent condition, loaded, vellow, lift, big tires, grill guard, 39K miles, $20,995. 360-834-6258 HONDA 888-290-9531 98 NISSAN Pathfinder LE 4X4. Loaded, 50K. $15,888.
Exp 10-17 Gresham Honda 98 NISSAN PATHFINDER 4x4. Loaded, auto, CD. $11,988. 503-292-0111 www.portlandpremler.com 99 PATHFINDER LE 4x4. AT, AC, Ithr, mort, pwr opts, low $15,995 503-661-1200 DLR 2000 PATHFINDER SE, AT, silver, 32K, new tires, 503-357-0551 or 503-809-1741 2000 XTERRA, V6, 4x4, 5-spd, blue, CD, $12,500.
Must see! 503-643-8893; 503-708-7466 $1 DOWN 00 PATHFINDER 4dr 4x4 Loaded, Super nice, must seel EZ Financing! 5.9% APR, sale $15,995, 72 months, total pymts $18,649 on approved credit Dick Hannah TOLL FREE 877.273.1117 Exp 9PM Today 01 NISSAN Pathfinder SE 4WD V6, Black. Loaded! Auto, ithr, AC, all pwr, more. 40K ml, Great cond! $18,499. 503-493-4328 2001. XTERRA original owner, all options, showroom condition, low miles $14,800.
503-258-0202 01 XTERRA SE 4x4. AT, AC, pwr opts, to mi, more. $18,988. 503-661-1200 dir 2001 NISSAN Pathfinder, LE 3.5, 4x4, htd seats, AC. all power, loaded.
$20,500. 1-541-815-8626 r. exc cond, $11,500. 503-245-8735 90 SIENNA Loaded, serviced, must sell now, 60K $12,995. Exp 10-15 TONKIN HONDA 1-888-236-0345 98 TOYOTA Sienna LE, maroon, 24K mi, fully loaded, AT, after 3 CD, $16,750.
503-761-1378, THRU Sienna, Previa All Trac 2WD, warr. 1 $5675 BergCarCo 503.671.9242 on Canyon 00 SIENNA LE, quad seating, fully loaded, like new $14,888 Gresham Toyota 2001 SIENNA LE VAN $15,950 V6, AT, r-air, quad seats. Broadway Toyota 503-284-1105 02. TOYOTA Sienna LE Symphony, AT, V6, CD, 22k, tow pkg, wrenty. $21,400.
971-563-7037 2002 TOYOTA Sienna XLE, green, full power, leather, 19.8K mi, excl cond $20,950. 360-910-5366 2003 SIENNA LE V6, auto, power sliding door, loaded, low miles. TOYOTA CERTIFIED BROADWAY TOYOTA 503-204-1105 01 EUROVAN MV auto, silver, all pwr equip, p.glass, rack, SW, 21k, like new. $21,995. Trades wanted.
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